2016 TCI Maine 11th Annual Fall Conference at the LRTC Green Ladle. 2 days of amazing food, much needed encouragement, top notch PD, and 101 attendees. Thank you to all who had to decide between ACTFL in Boston & TCI Maine....We can not thank Sabrina Janczak, Anne Matava, Laurie Clarcq, Leslie Davison, and Mira Canion enough for the training they provided us this weekend. Also, thank you to Maine DOE Jay Ketner for attending and encouraging us all to keep aiming for that 90% and a highly effective CI teacher in every classroom!
2015 TCI Maine 10th Anniversary Fall Conference back at the Green Ladle @LRTC. Thank you to Sr Wooly, Anne Matava, Laurie Clarcq, Sabrina Janczak, Eric Herman, and the 141 attendees that helped make this a dream come true. What's the goal of the next 10 years? A highly effective CI teacher in EVERY world language classroom!
2014 9th Annual TCI Maine, New England & Beyond Fall Conference at the LRTC Green Ladle. Featuring Carrie Toth, Laurie Clarcq, Anne Matava & Sabrina! 140 strong and the most amazing conference to date! THANK YOU!
2013 8th Annual TCI Maine Conference with Laurie Clarcq and Movie Talk with Sabrina. 98 attendees at USM Lew/Auburn = WOW!
2012 7th Annual Fall Conference at USM Lew/Auburn with Joe Neilson. 72 attendees - how exciting!!
2010 5th Annual Fall Conferece at USM Lew/Auburn. Our second year at this venue and about 50 attendees!